Free Office Space for Start-Ups and Charities
Chamber Members Basepoint has two very special offers for their Folkestone centre. Charities and other not-for-profit and social enterprises are being offered free office space with no deposit required for twelve months. New businesses just starting up or moving from home are being offered free office space for six months. Conditions Apply – please call Lorraine Grover on 01303 298298 or see
Tesco Expansion Plans
Plans for the considerable extension of Tesco Stores at Cheriton have been submitted and can be viewed on line at - use the planning reference Y09/0681/SH
College Merger
After careful deliberation there is a proposal to merge South Kent and West Kent Colleges. The LSC are seeking your views on the merger before the 9th September – the consultation document is available at
110 Years
The Chamber will be celebrating its 110-year anniversary on 17th September 2009 at the Grand Hotel in Folkestone – the Grand is also celebrating its 110th birthday this year – so it seemed most fitting. We aim to attract at least 110 attendees at this special extended big breakfast! The event has limited exhibition opportunities available to members only – more details will be following in the next few weeks but please save the date- to find out more about exhibiting and get your name on the list – please call Sezen on 01303 270022 or email
New tax service helps businesses manage cashflow through downturn
If you’re worried about finding the cash to pay your taxes, a new service from HM Revenue & Customs (HMRC) could bring welcome relief. The new Business Payment Support Service makes it easier for cash-strapped businesses to stay on top of their tax payments by spreading them over a period of time. It’s aimed at businesses and self-employed individuals who are facing temporary financial difficulties and are unable to pay their tax. Call HMRC’s Business Payment Support line now on 0845 302 1435. You’ll need the following information to hand when you call: your tax reference number, details of the taxes that you are worried about and when you expect to be able to pay the bill.
All Change Cabinet at Shepway
The Environmental Services portfolio has been discontinued and its functions split between other Cabinet Members. Cllr Alan North will step down from the Cabinet, but will retain the role of Lead Member on Recycling and Waste. Cllr David Monk is to add Parks and Open Spaces to his portfolio and will relinquish Property Maintenance, Asset Management and Commercial Property, which will be added to Cllr Bliss’ (the leader) portfolio. Recycling, Waste, Street Cleansing, Toilets and Beach Management have been transferred to Cllr Rory Love. Additionally, Cllr Anthony Dunning’s responsibilities as Lead Member will cease.