Tuesday, 17 May 2011

The Insider

Help us to get 100 residents On Line

The annual ‘Silver Surfer’ campaign takes place next week and Channel Chamber is making all efforts to get at least 100 local people (particularly the over 60's) to learn about and use the Internet.

We are holding a series of one-hour taster sessions (all FREE) throughout the week AND we are asking anyone interested to telephone us on 01303 270022 to make an appointment. If Chamber members (and your staff) know of anyone that needs such help PLEASE encourage them to contact us.

Join the Red Tape challenge

All hospitality, food and drink businesses are urged to take part in the government’s Red Tape Challenge and put forward their views on the red tape and bureaucracy which they feel is detrimental to their business.

This is a real opportunity for Chamber members in this sector to make their voices heard, giving practical suggestions to improve the current system.

To participate in the Red Tape Challenge (deadline 20 May) go to : www.redtapechallenge.cabinetoffice.gov.uk/home/index/

Training courses to build links with golf tourism market

Businesses in East Kent are also being encouraged to swing into action ready to greet thousands of golfing enthusiasts heading for The Open.

Visit Kent, the county’s tourism champions, is organising a series of Welcome to Kent customer service training courses specifically tailored for people entertaining or providing services or accommodation to visitors to the county during the golf championship.

The courses are being held in Dover on June 14, in Margate on June 15, and in Canterbury on June 16 and are led by Cheryl Parker, who heads the Visit Kent campaign to position Kent as a first class golfing destination across the UK and overseas.

To find out more, or to book a place, call Georgia Mannering, at Visit Kent, on 01622 696935 or email: Georgia.mannering@kent.gov.uk

Inaugural Science and Technology Forum

Chamber members are invited to the Science and Technology Club discussion forums held in partnership with IOD Kent.

Held on May 18th at Canterbury Christ Church University this inaugural forum will focus on CYBERCRIME, its effects on business and how it can be avoided.

To reserve your place, please email Claire Fisher, Bookings Administrator
e: eventbookings.south@iod.net or call her on 023 8026 6548

Are You Environmentally Aware?

20th May 2011 - 09:30am - 12:00pm

Port Lympne Mansion, Port Lympne Park

Channel Chamber is holding this interactive seminar in this beautiful setting to provide an introduction of environmental benefits to small businesses. This workshop is sponsored by the British Standards Institution (BSI) and prepared and delivered by David Hall, Managing Director of Business Flow UK Limited, it provides an introduction to Environmental business improvement using the “Carbon Hub” and ISO 14001. Kent County Council’s Jenny Colville will be explaining the Kent County Council's 'South East Business Carbon Hub' and the benefits of free registration. An introduction to the work of the Aspinall Foundation will be followed by Andy Wilson Business Development Manager from the British Standards Institute (BSI) who will be showing you the way forward, how to certify and the benefits of Environmental standards in your business. The cost includes a lunch time buffet, tour of Zoo Park & networking. To book your place please contact Tracy Reynolds on 01303 270022

Member Price: £20 + VAT
Non-Member Price: £25 + VAT

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